Friday, June 5, 2020

Oduduwa Nation agitators hold peaceful protest in Akure, State Government orders arrest of members

The Ondo state members of Oduduwa Nation held a peaceful protest at the Ondo state capital on May 29th, 2020. 

The group which has been advocating for self determination from the Nigerian government held a walk through the famous Oba Adesida road. The event was a means to raise awareness about the movement and charge the people to resist the present state called Nigeria which they perceive is not working and each region should have self determination.

Adedute Adepelumi, the Ondo City coordinator of the group while speaking with journalist noted that “ It is important for us as a people to determine our fate, we can’t keep relying on the Nigerian state which has failed to defend her people against the backdrop of insecurity, killings, Boko haram and now bandits ravaging our land, we believe Oduduwa is our fundamental human right and the government should listen to us and have a referendum on this case”. Likewise Aliyu Jimoh, the Akure city coordinator added his voice, “the time is now, Nigeria is not working”.

Just hours after this peaceful walk by the group, the Ondo State police commissioner in a press statement described the group as arsonist against the Nigerian state and directed his men to haunt down those who participated in the peaceful protest.

All our efforts to speak with the Commissioner of Police to dwell on this topic proved abortive as he is not responding to our text during this press time.

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