Wednesday, February 27, 2019

It's the ideal answer supplied by the masses, Hon. Abiola Makinde

It’s been a long time coming, and indeed the journey has been an eye opening and quite interesting.  At this stage if there’s anyone who still doubts that our country, Nigeria,  is a place where all things are possible; who still wonders if long time dreams still come to be; who still questions the power of our democracy, now is your answer.

It is the ideal answer supplied by the masses, the answers given by fine margins, the answers that stretched far across religions, political affiliations, landmarks and in large numbers that this Kingdom has never witnessed by the good people who waited painstakingly to carry out their fundamental rights. Not for those hours at the elections but for all the hours spent prior to the elections because they believed that this time must be different; that their voices put together could be that difference.

From all the villages in Ondo East and West to the urban wards of this beautiful Ondo East/West Constituency of ours, I want to congratulate everyone of us for putting our hands and our voices together for this unprecedented victory. In truth, we knew we could pull this through but what we never imagined was that we could really pull it through in such astonishing manner.

However, having done this for ourselves, I want to use this privilege to appreciate the good people of Ondo East/West Federal Constituency for trooping out in their numbers to ensure that this victory became a reality, I want to laud all the men, the women and the youths who tapped into the vision, the vision of proper representation and accountability. Of course it’s indeed no mean feat and apparent words fail me at this moment as I can’t thank you all enough, all I can say is that I will not fail to represent your interests as promised.

For I strongly believe that this is our time, Our chance to give to the people a better life, a time to take our wards/youths off the street and make them useful once again, a time of commonly shared goals and ideology, a time of delivery, that set time to fully represent the interest of the good people of Ondo East/West. This is why we’re running this race and I can assure you all that we won’t stop or look back until we all win!

Thank you, God bless you all!
Hon. Abiola Makinde
Member House of Representatives Elect,
Ondo East/West Federal Constituency.

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