Tuesday, December 18, 2018

While you "fail forward", think like a champion- Anomalos E P

A letter to the new graduates of the federal University of Technology Akure (my alma mata)

I write you this letter with all sense of love and concern. I decided that you over  the jollification concomitant with the convocation gala before I send you this missive so that the purpose of this chronicle may be fulfilled.

Since I have finally decided to write you this missive, I would like to crave the indulgence of my other "spiritual sons and daughters " who by providence have also made partial fulfillment for award of bachelor degree from other notable institution both in Nigeria and in diaspora. Some bagged masters degree.  But let me concentrate on the former.

First,  let me congratulate you immensely for the resilience and tenacity you have exhibited both in learning and character for the duo is a prerequisite for this prestigious award.

You have distinguished yourselves in the milieu of intelligentsia and I will not hesitate to gasconade of the FUTA brand.  I do earnestly hope that you shall continue to imbibe in the aphorism of the university - Technology for self reliance.

To some of you,  the dreams have come to past,  some remains ambivalent about what the future holds,  while some of you have been disappointed based on your expectation.  All these are not unexpected, because they keep the world at equilibrium - it's damn fundamental!

What's most immutable and pertinent now is that you now have a class of degree.  But many of you don't really need the degree!

Sooner or later,  many engineers will be in the banks,  doctors will go into agriculture,  chemist becoming poets,  geologist becoming entrepreneur,  surveyors becoming counselors,  and managers becoming teachers.

Just like it did to our progenitors,  the pursuit of the degree blindfolded you and I from self discovery and personal fulfillment, we clamour for emancipation yet we find ourselves inundated with deeper imbroglio.

Arise daughters of Zion!  For shall you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree? Don't look down on yourself as though nothing good will ever come our of Nazareth. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

In fact the best in school have not always been the best in life.  Or does a first class honours in business management guarantee you to be the best entrepreneur in life?

Get get back to your feat and bring to manifestation that big dream lying  deep down your subconscious. Activate your power of autosuggestion.

For those of you that bagged "honours cum laude" , I mean first class honours, great power comes great responsibility. You have more points to prove. Don't think first class is the door to prosperity. In fact,  first class is a door to greater challenges. It's a very great start I must confess.  Keep it up!

I wish you all a great future. You can't do less by the power of God.

Let's go to the apogee and claim our space.

Libertas omnium!

Your compdre,.

Anomalos E P
Salami O B

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