Friday, September 7, 2018

Interview: Gov't Has No Clue, Knowledge of Fundamental Issues Affecting Our Society- Ayo Akinduko

An exclusive interview granted to Ayo Akinduko, an aspirant for the seat of Idanre/Ifedore Federal constituency at the National Assembly come February, 2019.
1. Can we briefly meet you sir?
My name is Ayo Akinduko and I’m aspiring to be elected as the member federal House of Representatives, Idanre/ifedore federal constituency of ONDO state.

2..  What do you do for living?
I own an IT company where we do cyber security consultancy, web design, network management, automations and IT product supply & installations (www.aainnovations.org).

3.  What has been your greatest achievement in life?
 My greatest achievement in life .... there’s a lot to mention but I will just mention one of the most recents. I got one of my research published in IEEE in 2017 (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)

4.  What do you consider as the greatest inspirations in life??
The greatest inspiration of life is the ability to dream positively. Impacting on people’s live and spreading happiness in any way possible.

5.  How would you assess the impacts of the present APC administration to the entire Nigerians?
I try my best not to comment on present or previous administrations as this is a personal opinion which others might not share. All I can say is that there is room for improvement in the current administrations.

6.   What prompted your aspirations to contest the MHR seat of the Idanre/Ifedore Federal constituency?
I grew up in Akure, and I know what the young people in Nigeria are facing. Some of my friends are still unemployed to date and most under employed. The fact is that the government, at all level and the legislative arm has proven themselves to have no clue or knowledge of the fundamental issues affecting our society or a deliberate lack of priority. As a young man; I am aspiring to this position to represent my peers, be the change we all want to see and reignite that passion in all Nigerians that there’s still hope for us in this country. Hope for a better live; hope that once you graduate, you won’t need to continually depend on your parents to eat or sustain life; Hope that our young ones can have a conducive learning environment; Hope in a functional health care systems within reach of the people. Hope that you won’t have to go learn tailoring after five years of degree. Hope that Nigeria still cares about its citizens. Hope that the elderly will be taken care of by introduction of adult welfare bills and much more. The passion is burning and we need to work with ourselves to take charge of our future. An active representation is a good start to make a difference if we can get the bills in and we hope the police, court of law and other bodies can enforce the laws.

7.  As at today, the need for democracy to get to the grassroots level has been the major cry in our society, How do you intend to curb this menace?
If you take a look at my statement of purpose; my plan is to work directly with the people I’m representing to understand issues that are dear to them and also get them involved in governance. There is a concept I will be introducing within the first six months of my winning the election (God willing); it’s e-governance. Demonstrating transparency and accountability in governance. An online portal where anyone can have access to our budget, available resources and the projects we are spending money on. Also the contractors will be updating the level of progress which the citizens can verify and comment. The citizens will rate the contractors and testify to what we are doing. Budget will be discussed with community and projects will be decided by them before initiation. I intend to make governance a partnership. Where people have an input in the bills we promote and community development projects we embark on no matter their political affiliations.

8.  Can you highlight the good governance schemes you have for the good people of Idanre/Ifedore federal constituency if elected come March 2019?
As highlighted in full in my statement of purpose which I will make available to you at the end of this interview to support the brief comment I will be making here. I’m passionate about agriculture and we are all aware of farming prominence in the constituency. Agricultural development will be a major priority. We need to increase production and support more young farmers to tap into the resources as we have a lot of the elders in farming. Health care provision, clean water provision, infrastructural development, and renovation of schools; tourism which I will love to talk more about and most importantly promotion of relevant bills. The tourism plan is very dear to me as it has the potential to provide more than ten thousand jobs within the constituency alone and over fifty thousand jobs accross the state as a whole. The plan will not only boost the economy of Idanre/ifedore federal constituency but also increase the revenue generation for ONDO state through the Akure airport and other businesses that it will attract to the state. At a later time, I will share the full details. But my team and teams of professionals are working on this as we speak.

9.  What's your advice for the electorates in the forthcoming general elections in our dear country?
 I know how tempting it is for the electorate in this political season. Politicians come with billions to win over the votes and here is Akinduko pleading for votes but not following the existing though corrupt way of elections. I implore the electorates to ask every politician for their plans for them, the community, their children. If the value of he candidates align with yours, vote for them and if not; please let’s not. We have suffered enough as a Nation because we have voted for the wrong reasons in the past. It’s time to turn this around. Let’s make this country a better place for our kids.

Thank you very much.

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