Monday, November 20, 2017


Type 2 diabetes is a chronic condition that causes blood glucose (sugar) level to rise higher than normal.

 This also called HYPERGLYCEMIA. It can also  be said to be a life-long disease that affects the way the body handles glucose, a kind of sugar in the body blood.

 Gluten is a general name for the protein found in wheat,wheat berries, durum,emmer,semolina etc. 

Gluten contains wheat, barley, rye etc. It is a composite of storage proteins termed PROTAMINE and GLUTEN and stored together with starch in the endosperm of various grass_related grains. It is found in barley, rye, dat, related species and hybrids.

The major ones are wheats, barley, rye.
Gluten gives bread and other baked goods elasticity and a chewy texture. It is avoided in a small percentage of the population that cannot tolerate gluten due to celiac disease or gluten sensitivitly.

Researchers found that most subjects consumed 12grams gluten per day and surprisingly, within this range the subject who ate the most gluten had lower risk of type 2 diabetes during 30years of follow-up. However, subjects who ate less gluten consumed less cereal fibre that is a protective factor from progression of type 2 diabetes.

Moreover, participants in the highest 20% of gluten consumption had a 13% lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes versus subjects with the lowest daily gluten consumption i.e 4 gram per day.

Gluten free foods often have less dietary fibre and other micro nutrients making them less nutritious and they also tend to cost more. Those who are genuinely intolerant have an auto immune system responds to the gluten protein by attacking the Small intestine. Only about 1 percent of the population is diagnosed as CELIACS.
Gluten-free or less-gluten diet dies not mean healthy diet.


1. Celiac disease is on the rise and most people remain undiagnosed: Gluten is a protein composite found in several types of grains including wheat, spelt,rye and barley. When flour is mixed with water, gluten forms a sticky cross_linked network of proteins giving elastic properties to dough and allowing bread to rise when baked.

Actually the name gluten is derived from these glues like properties. When gluten reaches the digestive tract and is exposed to the cells of the immune system, they mistakenly believe that it is coming from  sort of foreign in vadis,like a bacteria.

In people who are sensitive to gluten, this causes the immune system to mount an attack against it.

In celiac disease (the most severe form of gluten sensitivity),the immune system to attack the gluten proteins but it also attack an enzyme in the cells of the digestive tract called TISSUE TRANSGLUTAM INASINE .
Bottom line: celiac disease currently afflicts about 1% of the population, but the prevalence is increasing. 
80%of people with celiac disease are unaware of it.

2. GLUTEN SENSITIVITY IS MUCH MORE COMMON AND CAN ALSO HAVE SERIOUS CONSEQUENCE: You don't need to have full_blown celiac disease to have advertise reactions to gluten. There is another disorder called GLUTEN SENSITIVITY (or gluten intolerance),which is more common.
Although there is no clear definition of gluten sensitivity, it basically means having some sort of adverse reaction to gluten and an improvement in symptoms on a gluten_free diet.

Unfortunately, because there is no clear way of diagnosing gluten sensitivity, reliable numbers on how common it is impossible to find
Bottom line: Gluten sensitivity is much more common than celiac disease, also leading to multiple adverse effects. However, there is no clear way of diagnosing it yet.

3. Gluten may cause adverse effects,even in people who don't have gluten sensitivity: There are also studies showing individuals with neither celiac disease, Nor diagnosed gluten sensitivity have adverse reaction to gluten.

The group on the gluten containing duet had more pain,bloating,stooling inconsistency and fatigue compared to the other group.

4. Many Brain Disorder are Associated with Gluten and patients see Dramatic improvement on a Gluten_free diet: Even though gluten primarily works its "magic" in the gut,it can also have severe effects on the brain.

Many cases of neurological illness may be caused and/or excarbated by gluten consumption. This is called gluten sensitivity.  Idiopathic neuropathy:
There are several other brain disorder that respond well to a gluten_free diet:
i. Schizophrenia
ii. Autism
iii. Epilepsy
Bottom line: several disorders of the brain respond well to a gluten free diet, including autism, schizophrenia and a rare form of epilepsy.

5. Wheat gluten maybe addictive: there are many people who believe that wheat maybe addictive, Even though this is far being proven, there are some studies suggesting that gluten may have addictive properties, when gluten is broken down in a test tube, the peptides that are formed can activate opioid receptors.

6. Gluten is associated with auto immune disease: Auto immune disease are caused by the immune system attacking things that are found naturally in the body.

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