Monday, June 20, 2016

OSUSTECH Student with there concern- OSUSTECHSU

Being a press release on:

From the ambience of true unionism,we bring our solidarity greetings to all OSUSTECH students

As it very clear to all OSUSTECH students that the proposed tricked mid-semester break imposed on us by the management over their inability to pay the workers of the institution for five months now, is gradually turning to what we can call an indefinite strike action because there is no feasible tendency of resumption unless the striking workers are paid.

The ASUU (Osustech chapter) earlier declared a NO WORK NO PAY ACTION which is tantamount to withdrawal of all their academics services.

It was reported last week that the SSANU,NASU,NAAT embarked on a 5working days strike which elapsed yesterday. Though their demands weren't fulfilled by the management,they have resumed back to work. We hopefully expect the ASUU members to join them in office very soon, so students can resume back for the commencement of our first semester examinations and start our second semester as soon as possible.

It has been flying around all our social media platforms that the SUG is doing nothing to this present situation but we want to use this medium to inform all students of this great citadel of knowledge, that ever since this issue started the union under the amiable watch of COMR.OLANIPEKUN SANMI P.K.A CAPTAIN
has been doing everything humanly possible to ensure that OSUSTECH students resume back on campus for our primary objective. We solidly vow to protect and represent the interest of the students at all times, as we have been doing in earlier times.

Though findings have revealed that things are still in a state of standstill, the SUG isn't resting on its oars as our commitment at this period is to ensure that students resume as soon as possible.

Our letters have been submitted to all ministry,management and sectors that can save us from this predicament.

Our 5-year programme is gradually turning to 6 years and we will do all within our power to resist that.

The leadership of the university have not been functioning as all principal officers in our school are in 'ACTING' capacities.

This has really set us back,and we are pleading to all sectors involved in the appointment of these various officers to do so as our lives and futures are being played like game by this ACTING regime.

The government in a press statement released by the state governor has promised to clear all outstanding salaries and wages very soon and we advise that we all put our grudges behind and assist in prayers, that this promise be fulfilled as soon as possible.

Our stake(SUG) in this particular issue is limited as there is a restriction in students' intervention in staff-management issue(s). The only thing we can do is to solicit and consult for a fast-track of every needed/possible action(s) to be taken so the student populace can be favoured.

We are not planning to lead the students out on protest as the welfare and wellbeing of our fellow students is of great importance.

ON THIS NOTE: We are urging all students to stay calm, continue reading and continue praying for OSUSTECH

He who laughs last, laughs best

Live from OSUSTECH students' union secretariat




Current state of the school(Pictures):





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