Friday, August 7, 2015

The 3 Powerful Steps To Banishing Your Excess Body Fat

Just two weeks ago, a fat, huge lady, Olabisi weighing 127kg described the
embarrassment she experienced at one of First Bank’s branch
in Ikeja, Lagos. After 2 days’ public holiday on Thursday
and Friday, and followed by the weekend, she was at the
bank on Monday morning but met a mammoth crowd on
queue to enter the bank hall.
At last, it got to her turn and she moved into the security
door, but an embarrassing announcement denied her entry
into the bank hall. The security door announced:
“Please go out and come in one by one. The chamber can
only take one person at a time”
The laugh that followed was more than “the night of a
thousand laughs.” She was terribly embarrassed.
Not 2 but one person had entered. Why then the
announcement? Her weight made her 2.
Called by the security officer in charge to have the security
system bypassed, she left in gross humiliation. Too bad! Too
This is just one of the many who are daily embarrassed
because they are overweight or obese.
But little is the embarrassment caused by being overweight
when you settle down and really take time to understand its
implication on your health. Being overweight and obese has
now being linked to cases of Diabetes, High Blood Pressure,
and even Cancer.
So what can be done about this problem causing both men
and women serious embarrassment, stress and discomfort?
In my last mail, I introduced you to a three part series titled:
‘The 3 Powerful Steps to Banishing Your Excess Body Fat’
and part 1 was discussed, which is to replace your present
diet with fat-burning foods. You can read it here again.
Today, we are taking the second part, and that is going to
address your eating habits.
So what eating habits should you develop? See them below:
1. Drink plenty of water, between 8 to 12-ounce glasses
everyday. Have noticed that what some individuals do first
thing in the morning is to drink water? Have you also noted
some individuals move about with bottles of water? Why do
you think they do that? Are they fish-turned humans? The reason is because drinking enough water helps the body very well. Not only does drinking plenty water combat constipation (i.e. aids the easy pass out of waste products from the body), it
allows you to
distinguish between
hunger and thirst,
because many times
your body may signal
that it wants more food,
when it really needs
water. And too much
food won’t help your
fat loss effort.
It also helps to keep you feeling full.
Dehydration, the condition of absence of enough water in
the body, can also slow fat loss. In other words, you need to
drink more water to lose weight.
So, drink, drink and drink, like a fish. Drinking first thing in
the morning may make you feel uncomfortable at first, but
you will get used to it well enough when you begin to see
the way it works well for you.
If you see yourself forgetting to do that, what can you do? I
recommend to my readers to have a jug of water close by
before going to bed. As you wake up to see it, you are
reminded of the need to drink.
After some times, you’ll get so used to it that if you fail to
drink in the morning, it will be as if you have not brushed
your teeth or taken your bathe.
If you have been experiencing difficulty in your bowel
movement (passing out solid waste), or you don’t do that
everyday, then try this approach, called water therapy and
thank me later.
But does drinking 8 to 12 glasses of water seem very
impossible? It shouldn’t at all.
Consider this approach if you eat three times a day plus 2
snacks, or in-between meals, one between breakfast and
lunch, and the other between lunch and dinner meals:
Drink a cup first thing in the morning
Drink a cup 30 minutes before breakfast and another after
Dr Drink a cup 30 minutes before lunch and another after
Drink a cup 30 minutes before dinner and another after
Drink a cup before and after your first snacks (in-between
meals) -2
Drink a cup before and after your second snacks
Wow! Is that not possible? Yes it is.
Notice that for an effective fat loss plan, your snacks should
be nuts, fruits and other non carbohydrate foods. Okay?
Did you also notice from the above analysis that I didn’t
mention drinking water during any of your meal? Do you
know why?
This is because the stomach contains acid needed to break
down the food you eat. Any liquid taken during your meal
can dilute the stomach acid. This can lead to poorly digested
food, fermenting and bloating.
No wonder during the 9 days of Clean 9 consumption, you
are expected to drink plenty of water to enable your weight
loss goal achievable. And if you are still wondering if it’s
possible to lose a substantial amount of fat in just 9 days, I
implore you to hear from our happy clients, men and women
Click here to see how to order your own Clean 9 kit now:
Now let me give you another habit you must watch and
2. Don’t Eat In A Hurry. Eat Slowly, Chewing All Foods
You may have wondered why some people eat so hurriedly
as if someone else is on the way to drag the food with them?
They fill up the whole mouth cavity with foods and thus
they end of swallowing the foods without first chewing it.
Anyway, I understand that hunger knows nobody.
So let me ask
you: Do you
gulp down
your food in a
hurry or eat on-
the-run? Do
you heap
mounds of food
on your plate?
Do you put
another bite
into your
mouth before
finishing the
last one?
If you answer
yes to any of
these questions, then be ready to stop because those are bad
eating habits that will stand in your way to a successful
weight loss. Why?
These eating styles lead to two common problems that cause
weight gain. The problems are:
a. You end up eating too much
b. You end up eating too fast.
This is because physiologically, it takes about 20 minutes
before your brain receives the “full” signal from your
stomach and intestines that it has been fed and to turn off the
hunger signals.
Consequently, if you quickly eat a lot of food, by the time
this signal reaches your brain, you’re overstuffed and
uncomfortable. Is that clear?
3. Other habits you must cultivate include reducing salt
intake and consumption of soft drinks. When it comes
to weight loss, those drinks are not soft at all. Very
importantly, you must encourage regular consumption
of foods that are low in calories but that make you feel
full after eating them.
These classes of foods are high in fiber and the calorie counts
are low. They include vegetables, fruits, nuts, such as
almonds, walnuts, peanuts or natural peanut butter.
Another is the Garcinia Cambogia. What makes Garcinia
Cambogia stand out? Garcinia Cambogia, is a tropical fruit
grown in Indonesia. (It also goes by the name tamarind fruit.)
According to Purdue University, it’s rich in calcium,
phosphorus, iron, thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin.
Let me
You see,
dieting is
not easy.
Why? It
tends to
lead to
cravings… and hunger.
And naturally, you must have cravings for food but with
dieting, your eating is controlled. Looks like punishment or
This singular factor generally causes people to give up on
their diet and gain the weight back and for this reason, most
conventional weight loss methods have very bad success rate
as very few people succeed in the long run.
This is where a popular weight loss plant called Garcinia
Cambogia steps in.
According to many health experts, it can reduce appetite or
make you feel full and help you lose weight, pretty much
without much effort.
Even Dr. Oz, a well-known American TV doctor and
probably the most famous health “guru” in the world has
been publicising the benefits of this plant.
He seemed very excited about it… he even used the
word magic and said that it might be “ the most exciting
breakthrough in natural weight loss to date”
So the big question is: Where and how can I get this weight
loss ‘miracle’ plant, since it is not grown in Nigeria?
Here is the good news: The miracle plant, Garcinia
Cambogia is part of what you get when you order for your
Clean 9 kit. It is available in form of capsule.
That means you don’t have to be scared of food cravings and
hunger in your weight loss program. The cravings are all
gone with Garcinia Cambogia.
See “Before” and “After” pictures of those who have used
Clean 9 below.
Click: http://superbhealthtips.com/clean9.html
A complete
Clean 9 pack
contains the
3 bottles of
Aloe Gel which
and aids
1 Meal
Shake that
hunger and is a
complete meal
at just
1 bottle of
Garcina Plus
Capsule that
aid breakdown
of body fat and inhibits
conversion of carbohydrates to fat;
1 bottle of Bee Pollen Capsules that give
energy and nourish the skin;
1 Measuring Tape;
1 Shaker Bottle;
A booklet that gives guidance on how to
embark on this 9day program.
So what are you waiting for? Order for your Clean 9 kit today
and get free delivery at your doorstep.
You can order using this link: http://superbhealthtips.com/
The last part will address key nu

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