Thursday, April 9, 2015


For latest WAEC update and all about WAEC questions and answer.

Posted from 112world

1-10: bdcbabdbba
11-20: cbabcddaba
21-30: dccdacbcda
31-40: cdacbaddbb
41-50: cabcddbcad
51-60: baadbcdbcc
61-70: bcdaadbdcb
71-80: bcbadadacb
(6a) chief koko was regarded untouchable.
(6b) the expression tells us of the
governors pragmatic approach.
(6c) it was because of the neccesity to
widen the roads.
(6d) the driver did not want to die.
(6e) it was because the governor decided to
bulldoze the house himself.
(6f) Chief Koko did nothing.
(i) Adverbial phrase.
(ii) it modifies the verb ‘had’.
(6h)”…….the mansion collapsed like a pack of cards.
(I) assumed – expected.
(II) retreat – going back
(III) specified – particular.
(IV) showed up – arrived.
(V) collapsed – fall
(i) robots are accurate and effective.
(ii) robots do not complain.
(iii) robots work under any condition
(7b)The advantage human being has over
Robot are as follows:
(i) human being are rational thinkers who
can control themselves
(ii)human beings are problem solvers.
(iii) humans uses their intellect in the
performance of their duties without control.
3a. The three reasons are.
1. Birds have Structural adaptation
2. Birds have powerful eagles
3. They have sharp,strong and curved claws for
1. it provides food for human consumption
2. it generates revenue for government
3. it can serve as tourist centres for pleasure and
4. it provides resaerch work for scientists
5. it can generate employement for some people
1. it helps to control diseases
2. it helps to control erossion
3. it helps to control growth of weeds
1. it is never used-up
2. it does not cause environmental damages
3. it is clean
4. it is readily available
5. it is affordable
(No 5)
This is a life story sometime we feel unable to
reconcile to put forgive into our action and restore a
relationship, If the person has severely abused us or our
action an restore a relation,this was when i was at my
young age i was rud to my grand father i fell to
apologise was a word of stress.
To me i keep doing things that was not a good
behaviour for a child like me,he render a course on which
he said for me to be free from the spell i must apologise
to him and for me i felt i cant recongise with him
because is was hard to apologise.
For that i hate my grand father.
Years Back life became hard for me i felt so much pains
my history became worst i ever had,it was set back upon
set back my furture was under a spell which i can recall it
was my grandfather.
Every step i made was never a progresss, to my future i
almost lost everyting days came when i seat thinking
what all this going on with my life,i think and think how
to figure out what wrong.
Sports play a fundamental role in the development of
physical, social and emotional health of young people.
We Nigerians are however deprived of platforms that
could encourage youth participation in sports and
sports-related activities.
On the other hand Nigeria has been actively promoting
sports among its people through the National Sports
Festival. The government of Nigeria and Nigerian Sports
Board seem ready to make the event even bigger in
future so that more and more people could participate
and get benefited.
I urge the government of Nigeria to provide such a
platform to the youth of Nigeria. This would give an
opportunity to the people of my province to explore
their potential and earn a name for the country.
So far the government has been reluctant to work in this
area. When events like Nigeria Sports Festival will be
launched throughout the Nation, I am confident that we
would create new world records.
It would be a great service to the people of Nigeria if a
Sports university is also built as is being planned by the
Nigeria government. This will have an added effect on
the tourism industry as well.
Sports Fest Help Youth the value of teamwork. In real
work environment teamwork is one of the most valuable
attribute an employee should have. Ability to work well
with other people with efficiency and efficacy, can lead
you to promotion and security with your job tenure.
Sports Fest also Help to know the value of
sportsmanship. Ability to accept bitter defeat is a sign
of maturity and the ability to bounce back strong,
triumphing over your adversary will able you to
experience immense joy like no other. No matter what is
the outcome, win or lose, stand up high and accept the
outcome of the game. If you lose rebound stronger next
time, practice your craft and learn from your mistake. If
you win however, never rest on your laurels, keep
practicing and always maintain your fierce fighting form.
Improve even further and don’t let pressure beat you
during actual competition or grow excessively boastful
and arrogant because you are on top. Stay humble.
Sports showcase your talents in your chosen field of
endeavor to the spectators, so that others will emulate
your character, perseverance, winning ways and
awesome talents, if ever you are a prime athlete of your

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